Wednesday, April 4, 2007

It's a Long Road

One day I sat alone in silence. A voice asked, "Do I know you?." Then, more silence. I knew there was something wrong deep inside. Not knowing who I was and feeling abandoned and alone was awful. I had abandoned me many years before the silence set in and did not realize there was someone missing. When finding out part of me was lost I couldn’t post signs on the bulletin boards or downtown on the light posts. Nobody would find her because I couldn’t even find her. It was time to rediscover the person I lived with, me.

I decided it was time to take a trip back in time. There was this road called, "discovering me". Not sure of where the road would lead, I took the turn. Hoping it would lead to a better place than where I was. When I turned the corner and saw signs of inner self, believe in you and others like you can be happy!

On this road of discovery there was a gigantic neon sign that read, "No U-Turns!" It seemed not too bad at first. Although, the road started to twist and turn and the surface was getting slippery. That is when I saw the mountains! Awe they were so beautiful! Snow capped mountains with trees and trails to walk along. I parked in the first spot. The sign in front of the spot read, "Abandonment". This is where it started getting a little tricky. Time was passing and it was now time to learning about the inner child, who was lost in those mountains. I hear her voice calling and an echo followed through the trees. There was no one there to help. It is only I, who could find her.

As the days and months passed I kept returning to this mountain.

To be continued...

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